Code of Ethics PolicyPro-Western Plastics is committed to conducting business in an open and ethical manner. We accomplish this by creating a workplace built on the strength of trust, accountability, and integrity in all our business practices. It is the responsibility of every employee to build and maintain this code of ethics by supporting and actively participating in the process. We strive to protect all of our employees, vendors, customers, and the company itself from any illegal or damaging actions committed by individuals either knowingly or unknowingly. Pro-Western Plastics will not tolerate any wrongdoing or impropriety and will immediately take the appropriate disciplinary actions to correct the problem. Social Responsibility PolicyPro-Western Plastics strives to manage our business and operations with Social Responsibility in mind at all times. We accomplish this by:
Environmental SustainabilityPro-Western Plastics promotes and maintains environmentally responsible practices for the benefit of our employees, the public and the environment. We will conduct and continue to grow our business in such a manner to demonstrate respect and sustainability for the environment through the protection and conservation of natural resources. Health & Safety PolicyPro-Western Plastics Ltd. is committed to maintaining a safety program that will remain a part of our daily operations and serve to protect our employees, our property, the environment, contractors and visitors to our facilities. All employees are responsible and accountable for the promotion and maintenance with respect to our goal to the physical, psychological and social well-being of all employees, in a healthy, injury-free workplace. Management and supervisors are responsible for setting and enforcing policies and procedures and for providing the necessary training and equipment. Workers and contractors are responsible for following those policies and procedures and working towards continual improvement of health and safety conditions. All employees are required to comply with the policies and procedures of Pro-Western Plastics Ltd. in addition to all Occupational Health and Safety policies, procedures and legislated statutes. Pro-Western Plastics Ltd. recognizes the commitment and involvement of management and each and every employee in the application of this policy. By fulfilling these commitments, we will all share in the benefits of a safe and healthy workplace. Quality PolicyWe at Pro-Western Plastics Ltd. Strive to produce product of the highest quality and to improve whenever possible. We are committed to supporting and meeting the growing needs of our customers. We believe that our employees are people with pride, which is reflected in the high-quality products that we produce. Being a family run business, we place a great amount of value on teamwork and our success stems from the effort and care of every individual in our team. HACCP CommitmentWe at Pro-Western Plastics Ltd. strive to produce a safe and legal product, including food safety considerations. We have a HACCP (Hazzard Analysis Critical Control Point) Team and a formalized HACCP Plan in place. We place great importance on GMP’s (Good Manufacturing Practices) and have both met and surpassed the requirements of AIB (American Institute of Baking) as well as IMS (Interstate Milk Shippers) for which we have gained recognition through their certification. We take great pride in these accomplishments and are committed to continual improvement. |